CARAT™ Assessments
CARAT Assessments
Give You Peace of Mind
“Developed by Suzanne Clothier in 2007, the Clothier Animal Response Assessment Tool (CARAT) is a novel assessment system that categorizes behavior traits in multiple components that are intuitive and practical. It is the assessment system currently in use at Guiding Eyes for the Blind, one of the world’s largest guide dog schools. CARAT is used there to evaluate puppies, breeding stock, and dogs coming in for training.
CARAT takes a detailed view of the individual dog as a unique combination of many factors working together to influence, exacerbate, mitigate, and enhance each other. In the profile created by the nuances and specifics of this complex interaction of multiple traits, an accurate picture is created of the individual, regardless of breed or age.
CARAT is unique in its recognition that a response to any given stimulus can either inhibit or activate the animal. Another way of saying this is that the animal may be attracted to the stimulus or may avoid it. The distinction between the two is critical in understanding the individual. For example, a dog who reacts quickly and avoidantly to a sudden noise is demonstrating a different response than a dog who reacts quickly and moves towards the same noise.
At all times, behavior is assessed according to how productive, functional, or adaptive it may be, with a full understanding that what may be productive, functional or adaptive in one context may not be in another context. For example, there would be great differences in the CARAT profiles for a successful guide dog, competitive agility dog, and a suitable companion for an elderly person with mobility issues.” (Taken from https://suzanneclothier.com/carat/ )

Ann happily completed five years of study and practice to obtain her credential as a Certified CARAT Assessor. She says CARAT has substantially deepened her understanding of individual dogs and their behavior. Because of the wealth of information CARAT provides, she will often do a CARAT assessment during her initial assessment for behavior consultations. Ann can also do a CARAT assessment on a dog you are considering inviting to become a member of your family to help you choose a dog who is likely to fit well with your home and lifestyle.
Ready to start now? Ann would be delighted to help. Contact Ann to obtain a CARAT assessment on your individual dog (or puppy), a litter, or your entire kennel. Download a Registration Form here.